The Coastal Bend Police Chief's Association represents approximately 30 police departments within the Coastal Bend of Texas. Each agency represented supports the regular improvement of policing across the Coastal Bend and the betterment of quality of life for all served. Our organziation stakeholders include:
Police Chiefs,
Deputy Chiefs of Police and Executive Command Staff,
Corporate or Community Associate Members (non-voting),
Honorary Members (non-voting, - Regional Director from the Texas Police Chiefs Association)
We are a recognized association in the Coastal Bend by the Texas Police Chief's Association and several of our membership hold affiliations with the International Association of Chiefs of Police.
Want to help? Get involved, today, South Texas...

Area of Coverage
The Coastal Bend of Texas incorporates eight counties along the Gulf Coast of Texas. The major city being Corpus Christi, Texas. The counties of coverage are LIve Oak, Bee, Refugio, Aransas, Jim Wells, San Patricio, Nueces, and Kleberg. Our organization is open to all police chiefs and thier executive command within these eight counties.